Monday, September 18, 2017

Surprise Sanellas from Pre-War Cards

When I arrived home Wednesday, there was a surprise envelope from Anson of Pre-War Cards.  Inside were four auto racing cards that I knew nothing about.  They are from the 1932 Sanella and Astra Margarine sets.

I'm definitely going to do some more research in the future on the items pictured on these cards.  The first two cards intrigue me the most, as they are early automobiles and I'm fascinated with the history of the Indianapolis 500.  Were these two cards piloted by anyone that ran in the race?  We shall see.

Thank you for the cards, Anson!  You're a pretty good guy, for being a Pitt guy!

If you shop online and haven't signed up and used ebates yet, you're missing out.  I also use it on eBay to get money back from purchases there.  Between referrals and cash back, I've gotten over $100 in about seven months.  FREE CARDS!  If you're on Twitter, please give me a follow.  Happy collecting!

1 comment:

  1. That second card sure looks like it shows Sir Malcolm Campbell's famed "Bluebird" land speed racer -

    Campbell set a few speed records at Daytona Beach and the Bonneville Salt Flats in his time.
