
Monday, February 27, 2017

TTM Success #38 - Just When I'd Given Up Hope

When I got home today, there was an envelope on the table that I knew was an autograph return.  It had the yellow address label on it, meaning it was forwarded.  We moved to our home in August, so I knew there were only a handful of possibilities of who it could be from.

Then, I saw the postmark.

It was back!  I knew that his turnaround time was historically slow, but I had pretty much given up hope of this card coming back to me.  I've been very strategic when requesting and mostly sent to gentlemen who have great track record of signing.  I knew this one was more of a chance.  This has to be one of my favorite returns yet.

1958 Topps #86 Y.A.Tittle
Y.A. Tittle is now 90 years old.  I would say that he has a nice signature for someone that age, but that would be incorrect.  He has a beautiful signature for someone of any age.  Thank you, Mr. Tittle.  I will cherish this autograph forever.


  1. I agree, very smooth. Great card unsigned but awesome signed. Congrats!

    1. I paid more for the card than all but a couple of cards I've sent away. It's another reason I was a little concerned, because I'd be happy just having the card unsigned. I do prefer getting the vintage cards signed. Not a big fan of the modern glossy ones.

  2. Wow, didn't realize he was still alive, what a great signature to get TTM. I agree with Hackenbush, that's a fantastic vintage card.
