
Sunday, May 5, 2019


Yes, I'm still alive and kicking.  It's been a busy start to 2019 and I don't see the rest of the year being any different. 

I've written three posts on Bean's Ballcard Blog in the last few days and that's where most of my writing will happen.  Please subscribe, add to your blogroll or whatever it is you do if you'd like to read my ramblings. 

If you're on Twitter and don't already follow me, please do!  That's where I spend the bulk of my hobby time.  My handle is @beansbcardblog.

The point of this post, though, was to direct you to a post I just wrote.  Some in the community are running eBay auctions to benefit Military Missions in Action.  Please take a look at the post and if you can, help out! 

Oh, if you're interested, I now have a monthly segment on the Fat Packs Podcast.  I say segment but for the first two, I've been the color commentator (co-host) for the entire show.  If you're interested in listening to the first episode of INSERTED, you can click here

I hope that everyone is well!
