
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Twitter sale starting shortly

I'm doing a huge card sale on Twitter this afternoon/evening for anyone that's interested. If you're interested to take a look, follow me on twitter @beansbcardblog. Hoping to start around 3pm central and have almost 300 items to post.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

What $5 got me at Sunday's Card Show

I'm guessing some of y'all haven't followed my other blog yet.  That's where I'll be posting for the most part going forward.  I did want to share this, though.  Hopefully you'll click over and take a look.


Saturday, June 2, 2018


First off, I am going to start posting a lot more on my other site, Bean's Ballcard Blog a lot more.  That means a lot less action here, so I hope you'll follow that blog as well and add it to your blogrolls. 

Secondly, and the point of this post, I'm putting out a calling for any blogger that might like to have links to their blogs elsewhere.  The guys at the Lemme Get That Podagraph podcast are rolling out in the next few months, and have reached out to me in hopes of rounding up some interested bloggers. 

The goal is to have a select amount of blog content.  It would be similar to the SB Nation model, as a part of their "news" section.  It wouldn't require any extra work on your part.  It should be mutually beneficial, since it will link to your blog, raising your traffic. 

They may be selective on what blogs are a part of it.  If you'd like to be considered, email me at and I will forward the info to them.  Please note, I'm not a part of the selection process, I'm just the middleman.  I have no say on any approval.  :-)

Happy collecting!