
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Scanning for Info.

I was at a local card shop today to pick up the items for the Secret Santa exchange.  During the convo, the topic of scanners came up and Duane mentioned his and how quickly he can scan.  My jaw dropped!

I've used a flat scanner for almost 20 years, but he used one of the image scanners where cards are fed through.  It seems scary, but he told me that he's not lost one card doing this. 

Anyone reading this use a scanner like this?  Have any cards been damaged?  If you use one of these, do you have any recommendations?  I'm really intrigued by this because I spend way too much time scanning and cropping! 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


If you haven't noticed (and you probably haven't), there's not been much happening here.  There are a few reasons (keep reading), but nonetheless I've been nominated for the Beckett Radio/GoGTSLive blog of the year.  

I'm sure it's more about the social media presence I have, as there are so many great blogs out there.  Looking at my numbers and comments on my posts, I'm sure those receive more views and are more well known.  However, if you like what I'm doing and feel inclined to vote, please vite.  It's a survey of many things card-related.  If you don't want to go vote for me, go take a look anyway and vote for your favorite! 

There are a few reasons I've not been active on the blog.

First, for weeks I've been entering my collection onto The Trading Card Database.  Most of my traders are in there already but I'm still working on my personal collection.  It's taking awhile but it could be worse.  I've done multiple purges in the last five years.  

I've also started experiencing what many other bloggers do as well.  Burnout.  

Many that don't blog think that it takes 5-10 minutes to write a post.  Maybe it does for others, but not I.  There are times it feels like a second job.  It's a hobby and should be fun.  I've made changes in my life to keep it that way.  I don't make money off my blog or anything else, so why treat it as a job?

Most importantly, I'm just trying to relax and enjoy life a lot more.  I want to do things on my own time.  I want to spend more time with my lovely lady and not be on the laptop so much.  She's the most important person in my life and on Saturday evening, she said "yes."  It took me forever to get here, but I wouldn't change a thing.  

I'm not sure when I will post again, so I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.  Also, a wonderful and safe holiday season.  Celebrate as you will and enjoy time with the ones that you love.  

Saturday, November 4, 2017

PWE Surprise from The Lost Collector

I came home Thursday to find a PWE on the table with a return address that I recognized, but couldn't place in my head.  Inside I was thrilled to find four Russ Davis cards from AJ, of The Lost Collector blog.  Thank you so much, AJ!

I'm now at almost 70% complete on the Russ Davis collection.  I am probably already there, with some of the oddballs and randoms that aren't listed on Trading Card Database.  WINNING!

If you shop online and haven't signed up and used ebates yet, you're missing out.  I also use it on eBay to get money back from purchases there.  Between referrals and cash back, I've gotten over $100 in less than a year.  FREE CARDS!  If you're on Twitter, please give me a follow.  Happy collecting!